Land Near Aylesbury Vale

These are the registered parcels of common land near Aylesbury Vale.

Name Parish District County Description
Land on North-East side of Aylesbury Road, Wendover. Wendover Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common on N side of A413,in Wendover settlement.
The Green Wendover Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common in middle of Dunsmore settlement.
Land north of Cobblers Hill Farm Wendover Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common to immediate W of Cockshoots Wood.
Village Green Aston Abbots Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common in four parts in centre of Aston Abbotts.
Site of Village Pump in Church Lane. Oving Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common within Oving settlement.
Site of Duck Pond in Pitchcott Road. Oving Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common on W side of Oving settlement.
Allotment Gardens, Dagnall. Edlesborough Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Area NE of A4146,in Dagnall settlement.
Land in Long Crendon Road Oakley Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common on B4011,E from Oakley.
Duck Pond in Whitchurch Lane Oving Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common in N of Oving settlement.
Site of Pump and Well in Pulpit Lane. Oving Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common in N of Oving settlement.
The Wharf Cheddington Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire On Grand Union Canal,and road,1km SE of Cheddington.
Village Green Soulbury Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common along both sides of road in Soulbury.
Village Green Quainton Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common in centre of Quainton settlement.
Allotment Gardens, Northall. Edlesborough Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common SW of A4146 at Northall.
Entrance of St. Martin's Church. Dunton Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common on road in NE end of Dunton.
The Upwell Bierton with Broughton Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common to E of A418,in Bierton settlement.
Fort End Green Haddenham Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common in middle of Haddenham.
Brittens Field Edlesborough Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common in centre of Edlesborough.
The Knob Charndon Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common in centre of Charndon settlement.
One of the Village Greens Thornborough Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common within Thornborough settlement.
Allotment Gardens Edlesborough Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common on NW edge of Edlesborough.
Rag Pit, Beacon Road. Ivinghoe Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common on B489,in Ivinghoe.
Church End Chearsley Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common in SW Chearsley,near River Thames.
The Green Chearsley Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common in centre of Chearsley settlement.
The Allotment Gardens Edlesborough Aylesbury Vale Buckinghamshire Common in centre of Edlesborough.

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