Land Near Sampford Courtenay

These are the registered parcels of common land near Sampford Courtenay.

Name Parish District County Description
Sticklepath Common Sampford Courtenay West Devon Devon Located 0.5 km NW of Sticklepath, 5 km ESE of Okehampton.
Sticklepath Moor Sampford Courtenay West Devon Devon Located 0.5 km NW of Sticklepath, 5.5 km ESE of Okehampton.
Sampford Common Sampford Arundel and Wellington Without Taunton Deane Somerset Located at Sampford Point on Black Down, 4 km SW of Wellington.
Piddle Green or Pidham Green and Sampford Green. Sampford Spiney West Devon Devon Located in Sampford Spiney, 5.5 km SE of Tavistock.
Land to NE of Dunkery Hill, Wootton Courtenay. Wootton Courtenay West Somerset Somerset Moorland located SW of Wooton Courtney, 5.5 km SE of Porlock.
Land adjoining Sparepenny Lane Great Sampford Uttlesford Essex Located along minor road in Great Sampford.
Watery Ford or Waterford. Sampford Spiney West Devon Devon Along minor road SW of Sampford Spiney, 5.25 km SE of Tavistock
Dunkery Hill Wootton Courtenay West Somerset Somerset Moorland located south of Luccombe, 4.25 km SE of Porlock.
Huckworthy Common Sampford Spiney West Devon Devon At minor road junction N of Huckworthy, 5.75 km SE of Tavistock
Plaster Down Whitchurch, Horrabridge and Sampford Spiney. West Devon Devon Located on west edge of Dartmoor, 2 km SE of Tavistock.

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