Land Near Woodham Walter

These are the registered parcels of common land near Woodham Walter.

Name Parish District County Description
Woodham Walter Common Woodham Walter Maldon Essex Woodland, located 0.8 km S.E. of Little Baddow, west of Maldon.
Eastern Portion of Woodham Fenn Woodham Ferrers Chelmsford Essex Located at Woodham Fenn, S.E. of Chelmsford.
Woodham Fenn Woodham Ferrers Chelmsford Essex Located at Woodham Fenn, S.E. of Chelmsford.
Land opposite Woodham Hall Woodham Ferrers Chelmsford Essex Located on B1418 SSE of Bicknacre, 10.25 kms SE of Chelmsford.
Land near Leighams Farm, Woodham Ferrers. Woodham Ferrers Chelmsford Essex Located 0.75 km south of Bicknacre, 9.5 kms S.E. of Chelmsford.
The Pond, Walter's Ash. Hughenden Wycombe Buckinghamshire Common in centre of Walters Ash.

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